116 entries.
Hi Julie: Greetings from an old shutter bug. It has been a while. I understand you had an encounter with California 's finest earlier today. Enjoy your weekend and be safe.
Hi Julie,
Just wanted to say hello to you. My parents use to work for you, Judy Mclane & Ron Mclane.
Hey Julie!
We were at NWA for all those years and I never had the opportunity to meet you. Then, at Wings & Wheels, we met. Better late than never!
Loved your show and hope to see another one next year.
Thank you for the beautiful card and the kind words!
I usually sign off to pilots "Keep the blue side up", but I'll have to come up with something else for you!
Best regards,
Dan Lindsey
NWA 1968-2003
Ms. Clark,
My adult son and I saw your show yesterday at the Carroll, IA airport Air Show, your plane and your talents are exemplarily!! Great Show! Your comments live through the headset to the audience were spot on and make you a true patriot! We hope that Carroll will do this next year and that you will return to head line the show! Keep up the great flying and spreading the word of how this country needs to be great again!!
Scott Barnard
Hi Julie, You are an inspiration as a pilot and to all the women aviators. The next day when I looked at the photo you signed I noticed a heart pointing to the second seat in your aircraft. If this is an invite I surely accept. Forever Blue Skies!!
P.S. We will definitely have a field trip with the first K thru 6 Aerospace Education class.
I know Julie personally and there is no greater patriot!!!!
That is the great thing about America we all can have our own opinions just like other parts of our anatomy
I know Julie personally and there is no greater patriot!!!!
That is the great thing about America we all can have our own opinions just like other parts of our anatomy
At your performance in Riverside April 2, 2016 you said from your plane that "America is in real trouble. " You intimated that the country was falling apart. We needed real patriots, you said. I am disappointed that you would use your platform this way. By any objective measure America, as a whole is better off than most other countries. We are way better off than we were just 7- years ago. While we have problems I venture a guess that America and its freedom and its rule of law was instrumental in your success. In fact, I'm sure of it. Your story would not happen in any other place. America has been good to you. It isn't falling apart for you.Shame on you for perpetuating this myth that America is in some sort of danger. You should speak with the same ideals as Lee Grimwood does in the recording you use in your performances.
I am not some crazy anti America type. I am a proud veteran who served in the US Army Medical Corps for 10 years. Our Constitution protects your right to say what you will. I am saddened that you use your microphone to spread the false myth that America is not what she once was. America is great. She could be greater. We have no need to be great again.
As a pilot for NWA and now Delta for over 30 years, I've read several articles about your accomplishments including your stunt/airshow flying. I recently came across the feature article in ALPA magazine. I was checking your website to see if your airshow schedule was going to bring you to Colorado.
I flew the T-28C Trojan in primary flight training in VT-27 in NAS Corpus Christi back in 1978. I have very fond memories of flying the T-28 and love the photos of your aircraft. What a beauty. I also read the history of the name and paint scheme you have chosen. Very cool!
Best wishes to you and congratulations on your upcoming induction into the Minnesota Aviation Hall Of Fame.
Fly Safe,
Scott Sayler
Captain Delta Airlines
Evergreen, CO
Happy Easter, Capt. Clark!, and best wishes as both Riverside and Sun N' Fun approach!
Hi Julie, Just saw your article in the ALPA magazine, March 2016, and wanted to say HI. We flew together once on the good ole Diesel 9. I wasn't really apprehensive at all because your reputation preceded you But as I glanced over at you prior to doing my control check, you said, "Don't worry, you're not going to hit me in the tits." I knew we would get along just fine.
Thanks for your leadership and professionalism.
Shinny side up!!!
Steve, Ret USN, Ret NWA
Saw your write-up in the ALPA magazine. You cannot be more deserving of your accolades over the years. Praying for your health and safety.
Looking forward to having Julie Clark perform at 24th Annual Airshow - April 2, 2016!
Thank you so much for the courteousy and great comfort you showed my wife and i at icas15. Youre a class act and we are so thankful to have met and networked with you. I am enjoying your book very much, as i read i can see why. Been pitching for sale through our networks for you too...thank you for everything and fly in that word you always do, beautiful
Pat and Nat
Read about your story in a book called "Launch Your Encore" and was very encouraged by the story.
Mrs Clark it has been a long time since we spoke last time was at the air show in Houston tx at Ellington air field back in 1994.
Over the years I have been wanting to contact you to see how you were doing ? If you dont rember me I was the one who let your mechanic borrow the flash light .
Many years have past and I lost contact with you but now I have found you again wanted to stop in and say hello .
Finally in closing if you are ever in need of a good aircraft mechanic I do have my A&P and many years of expereeince working on all types of aircraft to include Boeing 777 and Airbus 360.
Lets get intouch again would love to hear from you
Glen Dockal
Just read your book. Terrific, I loved it. I met you at Calif Capitol Airshow several years ago where I was in charge of the FOD Squad through our EAA Chapter 52. In fact gave you a golf cart ride along with Iris Taggart after your performance. Remember you were found of Oreo cookies which Iris had for you. I've since moved to Pennsylvania. Just wanted to say hello. Never loose that beautiful smile and tell Iris I said hello.
I just wanted to say I think you are a excellent pilot and a pioneer in aviation who has shown the world what it takes to be great! Enjoy your flying!
Just saw a profile on AOPA on Julie. What an amazing woman and amazing American. God bless you!
Your an amazing , inspirational person by any standard. Your book should be read by every young lady trying to find her way. God bless you!